
Team Europe - EU #6_2

Picture of Dmitri Gorshkov, UA2FB
Team Leader:

Dmitri Gorshkov, UA2FB

Other callsigns: 9A8UA, CN2FB, UA2K, UA2KK, UA2KW
Country: Russia
Age (WRTC 2018): 53
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: Businessman
SWL since 1981, got first call sig RA2FDE in 1982. UA2FGA in 1986, UA2FB in 1988. Also CN2FB, 9A8UA. One of UA2 CONTEST CLUB. Operated in many contests from RW2F, UA2F, C42A, T70A, CN2A, CN2AA.

Picture of Dmitri Grigorev, RA2FA
Team Mate:

Dmitri Grigorev, RA2FA

Other callsigns: n/a
Country: Russia
Age (WRTC 2018): 55
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: Radio Engineer / Manager
SWL since 1978, got first call sig UA2FEM in 1981, operated in many contests from RW2F, P33W etc. Profession is radio engineer, now manage my own company (heating equipment)

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