
Team North America - NA #1_3

Picture of Kennan Low, KE3X
Team Leader:

Kennan Low, KE3X

Other callsigns: NV1P
Country: USA
Age (WRTC 2018): 55
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2014
Occupation: Financial Advisor
I was first introduced to Amateur Radio by my Uncle Bob Fairchild, K4FG who was first licensed in 1921. Bob was one of the original pioneers of radio who used a spark gap transmitter when he was 15. I got my Novice class license as a 12-year old in 1974 as WN1UUA, and operated briefly from Mexico City as XE1/NV1P in the early 1990's. After a long period of inactivity, I returned to Radiosport in 2009 to share the sport with my teenaged sons while living in Switzerland.
I currently live in Washington DC with my wife Ann and sons Patrick (K3PAL), Kody (K3ODY), Aidan (K3ADN) and my 11-year old son Connor. I am a Past President of Potomac Valley Radio Club and operate from a small city-lot station, as well as occasional guest-ops from local PVRC stations including N3HBX, N4RV, NR4M and W3LPL.
I competed at WRTC2014 in New England with K0DQ, and represented the United States at the High Speed Telegraphy World Championships in Bulgaria in 2009 and Germany in 2011. I am looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones at WRTC2018.

Picture of Mark Bailey, KD4D
Team Mate:

Mark Bailey, KD4D

Other callsigns: VY2MT, VP5Y, PJ2M
Country: USA
Age (WRTC 2018): 57
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: Computer Systems Engineer
I became interested in Amateur Radio when I read a novel about a ham. I received my first license in 1971 as WN4YLN when I was ten years old. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my introduction to Radiosport was at the Field Days organized by the North Augusta – Belvedere Amateur Radio Club. My ham radio activities and particularly my radiosport experiences are through Amateur Radio Clubs and the friends I've made.
After a long period of inactivity starting when I went to college, I got involved in Field Days again and started doing some radio contests. Then, Ken Geistfeld, WV3R, invited me to visit him at Guantanamo Bay and participate in a Multi-Single for CQWW CW. The bug really bit then!
Because of that experience, I had the opportunity to operate at Frank Donovan’s (W3LPL) station and joined the Potomac Valley Radio Club. Through the Potomac Valley Radio Club, I’ve had lots of opportunities to operate in Field Days, Special Events, and Contests. Frank Donovan and John Evans, N3HBX, have been particularly kind and helpful, giving me many opportunities to operate from their stations as a single operator and part of multi-operator teams. I’ve also done some DXpeditions for the Worked All Europe CW contest from St. Croix, the Turks and Caicos Islands, Curacao, Canada, and the Canary Islands.
I am thrilled and honored to have the opportunity to participate in WRTC 2018 with my friend Ken Low, KE3X. Ken and I have operated together several times at the N3HBX station. I am looking forward to meeting all of the other competitors.
I currently live in Huntingtown, MD, with my wife Elaine (N3PQW) and work as a contractor at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Spaceflight Center on satellite control systems. I have a Private Pilots license and own a share in a 1974 Piper Cherokee Archer.

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