
Team North America - NA #8

Picture of Lee Sawkins, VE7CC
Team Leader:

Lee Sawkins, VE7CC

Other callsigns: n/a
Country: Canada
Age (WRTC 2018): 73
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 1990, 1996, 2010, 2014
Occupation: Retired
..... biography missing .....

Picture of Dale Green, VE7SV
Team Mate:

Dale Green, VE7SV

Other callsigns: CE2AWW
Country: Canada
Age (WRTC 2018): 73
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 1990, 2000, 2002, 2010, 2014
Referee: 1996, 2006
Occupation: Retired
I was first licensed in 1959 as VE7BFN. In 1963 I went to the Canadian Arctic to work on a weather station and became VE8AA and then VE8RR. When I returned to BC I was issued VE7SV. I have been continuously active since then, often from the far corners of the globe as I travelled extensively during my 30 year career with Air Canada. Since retiring in 2006, I live mainly in Chile (CE2AWW) although we return to VE7 each summer to enjoy the wonderful Canadian summers. Summer in Chile and then summer in BC is a good life style for an old guy.
I operate 95% cw but do occassionally get on SSB and RTTY especially during the major DX contests. 6 meters has become a special passion and I have worked 150 entities from Chile.
I have attended all WRTC events to date either as an operator or a referee. Each one has been different but all are wonderful events that nurtured many life long friendships. I am excited to particpate in WRTC2018. Our team goal as always is to do well but to excel in having fun.
I enjoy antenna building and still maintain my hilltop contest station in British Columbia where there are 5 towers and many many antennas. Two of the towers are located 300 plus meters from the shack and are fed with 1 1/4" coax. My father was VE7AGC (SK) and my brother is VA7AW.
One of my greatest honors came in 2013 when I was elected into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame.

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