Team Europe - EU #4_1
Team Leader: | Imanol Antonanzas Ibanez, EC2DX |
Other callsigns: | n/a |
Country: | Spain |
Age (WRTC 2018): | 39 |
Previous WRTC experience: | n/a |
Occupation: | Maintenance technician |
Start on 27Mhz on 1992, first licence on 1993, difficults to found active ham radio operators and first contact whit HF on 2005. Begin in contest whit ARRL SSB 2006 and one of the founders of EE2W, in 2009 start building my own station, every hardware its homemade, so every weekend drive 400km to improve the station, also all the hardware that carry whit us to the WRTC will be homemade, its own spirit. Thanks to EA2BNU to remember me the CW, EA2ET for the technical support and to other ham radio friends that help me whit the works at heights, especially to EA2AAZ, EA2NS and EA5KA. The door of the station its open to everyone, since 2009 more than 100 operators comes to take part in any contest and this is the way that I want to ahead. |
Team Mate: | Raul Blasco Villarroya, EA5KA |
Other callsigns: | ED5N |
Country: | Spain |
Age (WRTC 2018): | 33 |
Previous WRTC experience: | n/a |
Occupation: | Maintenance technician |
Hi, my name is Raul and I was born in 1985. I began at the age of 8 years. With my father support, EA5IBR. In 1998 I got my first license EC5ACZ (rookie license) learning CW by myself and in 2000 I got my extra EA5FGE, changing it in 2005 to my final nowadays call, EA5KA. Contesting firstly on the 160M band with EA5RU, several years. In 2010 I join EC2DX for continues with the big contest station building. Interested in DX hunting but my last 8 years priority was the contesting, mostly of the time in multi environment operations. Travel around the world lover, trying to share tourism with radio operations. This will be my first WRTC and hope will be a very nice experience! See you there! |
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