
Team North America - NA #4

Picture of Marvin Bloomquist, N5AW
Team Leader:

Marvin Bloomquist, N5AW

Other callsigns: R3/N5AW, R31D
Country: USA
Age (WRTC 2018): 77
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2010
Referee: 2014
Occupation: Retired
Native Texan. Ham since 1955. PhD EE U of Texas, married 52 yrs (Judy), 1 son
Retired Geophysicist (University degrees are in Electrical Engineering)

Picture of Bob Evans, K5WA
Team Mate:

Bob Evans, K5WA

Other callsigns: R3/K5WA, VY2/K5WA, ZF2EV, V47EV
Country: USA
Age (WRTC 2018): 65
Previous WRTC experience: Referee: 2014
Occupation: Retired
First licensed in 1965 as WA5NGH in Dallas, Texas at age 13. Got into contesting in the early 80s as N5DU and participated in many contests at K5LZO to start my contesting career. Obtained K5WA in the 90s. Enjoyed several M/S efforts at ZF1A with K6AM as lead. Have had the pleasure to operate from HZ1AB, R3/K5WA, V47JA, KP5, VP2M, V31, HL, VY2, 4U1ITU, G3FXB, XE2FU, KP2 and more. I am thrilled to be operating as N5AW's partner in WRTC2018 after the grueling qualification cycle trying to catch N5AW. My wife, Joyce, has been very supportive during the qualification cycle and is glad the cycle is over so I won't have to miss as many family weekend events. Joyce and I have been married for 27 years and we have lived in Houston, Texas most of our lives. My long time friend, Bob W5SJS, let me augment his country ranch antenna farm with several new towers and multiple antennas. Bob allows me to treat the station almost as my own and I greatly appreciate his support over the years. I also was greatly supported by Richard K5NA and Susan K5DU during the qualification period when they let me borrow their super station if my station was inferior for a particular contest. Radio contesting is a team sport even if you are a single op and I have been blessed with great friends in this hobby.

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